TI IC MCU TMS320F241FNA Flash Program Decoding
TI IC MCU TMS320F241FNA Flash Program Decoding will provide end user the embedded firmware extracted from flash memory of microcontroller tms320f241fna, after unlock heximal file from new tms320f241fna processor;

Bus request, global memory strobe. BR is asserted during access of external global data memory space. BR can be used to extend the data memory address space by up to 32K words. BR goes in the high-impedance state during reset, power down, and when EMU1/OFF is active low.
Visibility clock. Same as CLKOUT, but timing is aligned for external buses in visibility mode to recover mcu tms320f240fp flash software.
Active high to enable external interface signals. If pulled low, the F243 behaves like an F241—i.e., it has no external memory and generates an illegal address if any of the three external spaces are accessed (IS, DS, PS asserted). This pin has an internal pulldown.

Декодирование программы флэш-памяти TI IC MCU TMS320F241FNA предоставит конечному пользователю встроенную прошивку, извлеченную из флэш-памяти микроконтроллера TMS320F241FNA, после разблокировки шестнадцатеричного файла с нового процессора TMS320F241FNA;
This pin is active (low) whenever the external databus is driving as an output during visibility mode. Can be used by external decode logic to prevent data bus contention while running in visibility mode.
External flag output (latched software-programmable signal). XF is a general-purpose output pin. It is set/reset by the SETC XF/CLRC XF instruction in the process of dsp microprocessor tms320f240pqa flash memory decryption. This pin is configured as an external flag output by all device resets. It can be used as a GPIO, if not used as XF.
Branch control input. BIO is polled by the BCND pma,BIO instruction. If BIO is low, a branch is executed. If BIO is not used, it should be pulled high. This pin is configured as a branch control input by all device resets. It can be used as a GPIO, if not used as a branch control input.