PostHeaderIcon Texas Instruments MSP430G2213 Microcontroller Memory Reverse Engineering

Texas Instruments MSP430G2213 Microcontroller Memory Reverse Engineering technique will help to locate the security fuse bit of mcu msp430g2213 and crack it by focus ion beam, and then extract embedded heximal program out from msp430g2213 mcu;

Texas Instruments MSP430G2213 Microcontroller Memory Reverse Engineering technique will help to locate the security fuse bit of mcu msp430g2213 and crack it by focus ion beam, and then extract embedded heximal program out from msp430g2213 mcu
Texas Instruments MSP430G2213 Microcontroller Memory Reverse Engineering technique will help to locate the security fuse bit of mcu msp430g2213 and crack it by focus ion beam, and then extract embedded heximal program out from msp430g2213 mcu




Texas Instruments MSP430G2213 técnica de engenharia reversa de memória microcontrolador ajudará a localizar o bit de fusível de segurança do mcu msp430g2213 e quebrá-lo por feixe de íons de foco e, em seguida, extrair o programa heximal incorporado do msp430g2213 mcu

Texas Instruments MSP430G2213 técnica de engenharia reversa de memória microcontrolador ajudará a localizar o bit de fusível de segurança do mcu msp430g2213 e quebrá-lo por feixe de íons de foco e, em seguida, extrair o programa heximal incorporado do msp430g2213 mcu

over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)

V(RAMh)                 RAM retention supply voltage (1) CPU halted 1.6 V

(1) This parameter defines the minimum supply voltage VCC when the data in RAM remains unchanged which can be used for restoring msp430g2001 heximal program. No program execution should happen during this supply voltage condition.

JTAG and Spy-Bi-Wire Interface

over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)

fSBW Spy-Bi-Wire input frequency     2.2 V 0   20 MHz
tSBW,Low Spy-Bi-Wire low clock pulse duration     2.2 V 0.025                       15 µs
tSBW,En Spy-Bi-Wire enable time (TEST high to acceptance of first clock edge   (1))   2.2 V 1 µs
tSBW,Ret Spy-Bi-Wire return to normal operation time     2.2 V 15   100 µs
fTCK TCK input frequency(2)     2.2 V 0   5 MHz
RInternal Internal pulldown resistance on TEST     2.2 V 25 60 90

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