Posts Tagged ‘restaurar a memória flash do Texas Instrument TMS320F28068FP MCU’
Attack Texas Instrument TMS320F28068FP MCU Flash Memory
Attack Texas Instrument TMS320F28068FP MCU Flash Memory and readout firmware from microcontroller flash memory to make tms320f28068 microprocessor cloning:
The devices support three masked external interrupts (XINT1–XINT3). Each of the interrupts can be selected for negative, positive, or both negative and positive edge triggering and can also be enabled or disabled. These interrupts also contain a 16-bit free-running up counter, which is reset to zero when a valid interrupt edge is detected.
This counter can be used to accurately time-stamp the interrupt. There are no dedicated pins for the external interrupts. XINT1, XINT2, and XINT3 interrupts can accept inputs from GPIO0–GPIO31 pins.
The device can be clocked by either of the two internal zero-pin oscillators, an external oscillator, or by a crystal attached to the on-chip oscillator circuit when attacking tms320f28053 dsp controller flash memory.
A PLL is provided supporting up to 16 input-clock-scaling ratios. The PLL ratios can be changed on-the-fly in software, enabling the user to scale back on operating frequency if lower power operation is desired.
Refer to Section 5, Specifications, for timing details. The PLL block can be set in bypass mode. A second PLL (PLL2) feeds the HRCAP module.