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PostHeaderIcon Neways ceases production after fire

Neways has been forced to cease all production activities at its subsidiary Neways Electronics Kassel (NEK) in Germany following a major fire.
The fire started early in the evening on Friday. Thanks to the employees quick response and efforts, the local emergency services and the fire service were able to get the fire under control as quickly as possible.

The fire did not result in any personal injuries, no toxic substances escaped and there was no danger to people living in the surrounding area. As a result of the fire, Neways has been forced to shut down all production activities at NEK, the company writes in a press release.

However, the company believes that the production and storage spaces are completely lost.

All production activities for NEK clients will be transferred as quickly as possible to other operating companies within the Neways Group, the company states.

The cause of the fire is being investigated.

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