STM32F302RE Microprocessor Flash Heximal Restoration
STM32F302RE Microprocessor Flash Heximal Restoration needs to crack stm32f302re locked mcu fuse bit, and dump the embedded firmware content from stm32f302re microcontroller flash memory;

All STM32F302xD/E devices feature 384/512 Kbyte of embedded Flash memory available for storing programs and data. The Flash memory access time is adjusted to the CPU clock frequency (0 wait state from 0 to 24 MHz, 1 wait state from 24 to 48 MHz and 2 wait states above).
STM32F302xD/E devices feature 64 Kbyte of embedded SRAM with hardware parity check implemented on the first 32 Kbyte to attacking stm32f301k8 locked microcontroller readout protection. The memory can be accessed in read/write at CPU clock speed with 0 wait states.

La restauración hexadal del flash del microprocesador STM32F302RE necesita descifrar el bit de fusible del MCU bloqueado STM32F302RE y volcar el contenido del firmware incorporado de la memoria flash del microcontrolador STM32F302RE;
At startup, Boot0 pin and Boot1 option bit are used to select one of three boot options:
- Boot from user Flash
- Boot from system memory
- Boot from embedded SRAM
The boot loader is located in the system memory. It is used to reprogram the Flash memory by using USART1 (PA9/PA10), USART2 (PA2/PA3) or USB (PA11/PA12) through DFU (device firmware upgrade).
The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) calculation unit is used to get a CRC code using a configurable generator polynomial value and size.
Among other applications, CRC-based techniques are used to verify data transmission or storage integrity. In the scope of the EN/IEC 60335-1 standard, they offer a means of verifying the Flash memory integrity.