Restore TI MCU MSP430G2101 Flash Content
Restore TI MCU MSP430G2101 Flash Content starts from unlock microcontroller msp430g2101 flash memory, its protective system will be removed and embedded firmware of flash memory of processor MSP430G2 will be readout;
The interrupt vectors and the power-up starting address are located in the address range 0FFFFh to 0FFC0h. The vector contains the 16-bit address of the appropriate interrupt handler instruction sequence. If the reset vector (located at address 0FFFEh) contains 0FFFFh (e.g., flash is not programmed) the CPU will go into LPM4 immediately after power-up which can be used for microcontroller mixed signal msp430g2452 memory binary file restoration.
- A reset is generated if the CPU tries to fetch instructions from within the module register memory address range (0h to 01FFh) or from within unused address ranges.
- Multiple source flags
- (non)-maskable: the individual interrupt-enable bit can disable an interrupt event, but the general interrupt enable cannot.
- Interrupt flags are located in the module.
- Devices with Comparator_A+ only
- The interrupt vectors at addresses 0FFDEh to 0FFC0h are not used in this device and can be used for regular program code if necessary.