Restore Microcontroller STM32F103C8 Flash Program Code
Restore Microcontroller STM32F103C8 Flash Program Code and copy extracted firmware to new MCU in order to make STM32F103C8 binary code microprocessor cloning;

The current consumption of the on-chip peripherals is given in Table 18. The process of Recover MCU is placed under the following conditions:

restaurar o microcontrolador STM32F103C8 código do programa flash e copiar o firmware extraído para o novo MCU, a fim de fazer STM32F103C8 clonagem de microprocessador de código binário;
- l all I/O pins are in input mode with a static value at VDD or VSS (no load)
- l all peripherals are disabled unless otherwise mentioned
- l the given value is calculated by measuring the current consumption
- – with all peripherals clocked off
- – with only one peripheral clocked on
- l ambient operating temperature and VDD supply voltage conditions summarized
External clock source characteristics includes below points:
In a given sampling window, either three or six samples of the input signal are taken to determine the validity of the signal. This is determined by the value written to GPxQSELn register to recover stmicro stm32f103c6 mcu flash content.

ripristinare il microcontrollore STM32F103C8 il codice del programma flash e copiare il firmware estratto sul nuovo MCU per effettuare STM32F103C8 clonazione del microprocessore in codice binario;
Case 1:
Qualification using three samples
Sampling window width = (SYSCLKOUT cycle × 2 × QUALPRD) × 2, if QUALPRD ≠ 0 Sampling window width = (SYSCLKOUT cycle) × 2, if QUALPRD = 0
Case 2:
Qualification using six samples Sampling window width = (SYSCLKOUT cycle × 2 × QUALPRD) × 5, if QUALPRD ≠ 0 Sampling window width = (SYSCLKOUT cycle) × 5, if QUALPRD = 0