Recover NXP SPC5603BK0CLQ4R Microcomputer Flash File needs to crack mcu spc5603bk0cl protective system and copy the binary file to new microcontroller spc5603bk samples;
- VDD = 3.3 V ± 10% / 5.0 V ± 10%, TA = -40 to 125 °C, unless otherwise specified
- Running consumption does not include I/Os toggling which is highly dependent on the application. The given value is thought to be a worst case value with all peripherals running, and code fetched from code flash while modify
operation ongoing on data flash. Notice that this value can be significantly reduced by application: switch off not used peripherals (default), reduce peripheral frequency through internal prescaler, fetch from RAM most used functions, use low power mode when copy nxp secured mcu spc5602pef flash binary file.
- Higher current may be sinked by device during power-up and standby exit. Please refer to in-rush average current on Table 23.
- RUN current measured with typical application with accesses on both flash memory and SRAM.
- Only for the “P” classification: Code fetched from SRAM: serial IPs CAN and LIN in loop-back mode, DSPI as Master, PLL as system clock (3 × Multiplier) peripherals on (eMIOS/CTU/ADC) and running at maximum frequency, periodic SW/WDG timer reset enabled.
Data flash power down. Code flash in low power. SIRC (128 kHz) and FIRC (16 MHz) on. 10 MHz XTAL clock. FlexCAN: 0 ON (clocked but no reception or transmission). LINFlex: instances: 0, 1, 2 ON (clocked but no reception or transmission), instance: 3 clocks gated in the process of cloning spc5602df1v encrypted mcu flash code.