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Recover Chip PIC16C642 Binary

Recover Chip PIC16C642 Binary

We can Recover Chip PIC16C642 Binary, please view the Chip PIC16C642 features for your reference:

PIC16C64X & PIC16C66X devices are 28-pin and 40-pin EPROM-based members of the versatile PIC16CXXX family of low-cost, high-performance, CMOS, fully-static, 8-bit microcontrollers when Recover Chip. All PIC16/17 microcontrollers employ an advanced RISC architecture. The PIC16CXXX family has enhanced core features, eight-level deep stack, and multiple internal and external interrupt sources after Recover Chip.

The separate instruction and data buses of the Harvard architecture allow a 14-bit wide instruction word with the separate 8-bit wide data. The two-stage instruction pipeline allows all instructions to execute in a single-cycle, except for program branches (which require two cycles) if Recover Chip. A total of 35 instructions (reduced instruction set) are available. Additionally, a large register set gives some of the architectural innovations used to achieve a very high performance .

PIC16CXXX microcontrollers typically achieve a 2:1 code compression and a 4:1 speed improvement over other 8-bit microcontrollers in its class. The PIC16C641 has 128 bytes of RAM and the PIC16C642 has 176 bytes of RAM. Both devices have 22 I/O pins, and an 8-bit timer/counter with an 8-bit programmable prescaler when Recover Chip. In addition, they have two analog comparators with a programmable on-chip voltage reference module.

Program Memory has internal parity error detection circuitry with a Parity Error Reset. The comparator module is ideally suited for applications requiring a low-cost analog interface (e.g., battery chargers, threshold detectors, white goods controllers, etc.) before Recover Chip.

The PIC16C661 has 128 bytes of RAM and the PIC16C662 has 176 bytes of RAM. Both devices have 33 I/O pins, and an 8-bit timer/counter with an 8-bit programmable prescaler. They also have an 8-bit Parallel Slave Port. In addition, the devices have two analog comparators with a programmable on-chip voltage reference module when Recover Chip. Program Memory has internal parity error detection circuitry with a Parity Error Reset.

The comparator module is ideally suited for applications requiring a low-cost analog interface (e.g., battery chargers, threshold detectors, white goods controllers, etc.) if Recover Chip.

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