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Readout STM ST72F325R9 Microcomputer Flash Memory Software

Readout STM ST72F325R9 Microcomputer Flash Memory Software needs to unlock st72f325r9 secured microprocessor tamper resistance system and copy extracted firmware to new MCU which can provide the exact functions as original Microcontroller;

Readout STM ST72F325R9 Microcomputer Flash Memory Software needs to unlock st72f325r9 secured microprocessor tamper resistance system and copy extracted firmware to new MCU which can provide the exact functions as original Microcontroller
  1. If the ICCCLK or ICCDATA pins are only used as outputs in the application, no signal isolation is necessary. As soon as the Programming Tool is plugged to the board, even if an ICC session is not in progress, the ICCCLK and ICCDATA pins are not available for the application.
  2. If they are used as inputs by the application, isolation such as a serial resistor has to implemented in case another de- vice forces the signal. Refer to the Programming Tool documentation for recommended resistor values when break st32f321k9 mcu flash and ROM memory protection.
  3. During the ICC session, the programming tool must control the RESET pin. This can lead to conflicts between the programming tool and the application reset circuit if it drives more than 5mA at high level (push pull output or pull-up resistor<1K).
  4. A schottky diode can be used to isolate the appli- cation RESET circuit in this case. When using a classical RC network with R>1K or a reset management IC with open drain output and pull-up resistor>1K, no additional components are needed. In all cases the user must ensure that no external reset is generated by the application during the ICC session.
  1. The use of Pin 7 of the ICC connector depends on the Programming Tool architecture. This pin must be connected when using most ST Program- ming Tools (it is used to monitor the application power supply). Please refer to the Programming Tool manual after unlocking st32f324bj microprocessor program flash memory.

Pin 9 has to be connected to the OSC1 or OS-CIN pin of the ST7 when the clock is not available in the application or if the selected clock option is not programmed in the option byte. ST7 devices with multi-oscillator capability need to have OSC2 grounded in this case.

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