NXP Automobile Microcontroller SPC560P54L5 Binary Restoration
NXP Automobile Microcontroller SPC560P54L5 Binary Restoration is a process to unlock nxp microprocessor spc560p54l5 protection over its flash memory, and then readout embedded firmware from microcomputer’s flash memory;

This 32-bit system-on-chip (SoC) automotive microcontroller family is the latest achievement in integrated automotive application controllers. It belongs to an expanding range of automotive-focused products designed to address chassis applications specifically the airbag application.
This family is one of a series of next-generation integrated automotive microcontrollers based on the Power Architecture technology when duplicating spc56el70l5 microcontroller flash memory content. The advanced and cost-efficient host processor core of this automotive controller family complies with the Power Architecture embedded category.
It operates up to 64 MHz and offers high performance processing optimized for low power consumption. It capitalizes on the available development infrastructure of current Power Architecture devices and is supported with software drivers, operating systems and configuration code to assist with users implementations.
Below table provides a summary of different members of the SPC56xP54x/SPC56xP60x family and their features—relative to Full-featured version after copying freescale microcomputer spc564l70l3 flash binary—to enable a comparison among the family members and an understanding of the range of functionality offered within this family.