Microprocessor ST72F324BJ Program Flash Memory Unlocking
Microprocessor ST72F324BJ Program Flash Memory Unlocking will take the advantage of focus ion beam to remove the fuse bit embedded and pull embedded firmware out from mcu st72f324bj memory, after a few moment later these extracted heximal can be copied to new st72f324bj for micrcontroller cloning;

The ST7 dual voltage High Density Flash (HDFlash) is a non-volatile memory that can be electrically erased as a single block or by individu- al sectors and programmed on a Byte-by-Byte ba- sis using an external VPP supply.
The HDFlash devices can be programmed and erased off-board (plugged in a programming tool) or on-board using ICP (In-Circuit Programming) or IAP (In-Application Programming). The array matrix organisation allows each sector to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting other sectors.
Read-out protection, when selected, provides a protection against Program Memory content ex- traction and against write access to Flash memo- ry. Even if no protection can be considered as to- tally unbreakable, the feature provides a very high level of protection for a general purpose microcon- troller.

In flash devices, this protection is removed by re- programming the option. In this case, the entire program memory is first automatically erased and the device can be reprogrammed.
Read-out protection selection depends on the de- vice type:
- In Flash devices it is enabled and removed through the FMP_R bit in the option byte.
In ROM devices it is enabled by mask option specified in the Option List.