Microchip PIC18F8520 MCU Protection Breaking
The final purpose of Microchip PIC18F8520 MCU Protection Breaking is to extract embedded program from microcontroller pic18f8520, the process of dumping flash heximal and eeprom binary from microprocessor pic18f8520 will be aggressive…

PIC18F8520 devices offer only the Timer1 oscillator as a secondary oscillator. This oscillator, in all power managed modes, is often the time base for functions such as a real-time clock when decoding microcontroller pic18f1220 program from its flash memory.
Most often, a 32.768 kHz watch crystal is connected between the RB6/T1OSO and RB7/T1OSI pins. Like the LP mode oscillator circuit, loading capacitors are also connected from each pin to ground. These pins are also used during ICSP operations.
The Timer1 oscillator is discussed in greater detail in
Section 12.2 “Timer1 Oscillator”.
In addition to being a primary clock source, the internal oscillator block is available as a power managed mode clock source to decap pic18f1320 microchip processor memory. The INTRC source is also used as the clock source for several special features, such as the WDT and Fail-Safe Clock Monitor.

el propósito final de la ruptura de la protección del MCU PIC18F8520 del microchip es extraer el programa incrustado del microcontrolador pic18f8520, el proceso de volcado de flash heximal y eeprom binario del microprocesador pic18f8520 será agresivo
The clock sources for the PIC18F1220/1320 devices are shown in Figure 2-8. See Section 12.0 “Timer1 Module” for further details of the Timer1 oscillator. See Section 19.1 “Configuration Bits” for Configuration register details.