Microchip Microprocessor PIC18F85K22 Flash Memory Content Recovery will start from delayer the MCU and remove fuse bit protection over the memory by crack MCU through focus ion beam, and extract embedded firmware from microcontroller both flash and eeprom memory;
The sequence of events that takes place when switching from the Timer1 oscillator to the main oscillator will depend on the mode of the main oscillator. In addition to eight clock cycles of the main oscillator, additional delays may take place.
If the main oscillator is configured for an external crystal (HS, XT, LP), then the transition will take place after an oscillator start-up time (TOST) has occurred. A timing diagram, indicating the transition from the Timer1 oscillator to the main oscillator for HS, XT and LP modes
If the main oscillator is configured for HS-PLL mode, an oscillator start-up time (TOST), plus an additional PLL time-out (TPLL), will occur. The PLL time-out is typically 2 ms and allows the PLL to lock to the main oscillator frequency. A timing diagram, indicating the transition from the Timer1 oscillator to the main oscillator for HS-PLL mode.
If the main oscillator is configured in the RC, RCIO, EC or ECIO modes, there is no oscillator start-up time-out. Operation will resume after eight cycles of the main oscillator have been counted by restoring microchip mcu pic18f66k80 controller embedded firmware. A timing diagram, indicating the transition from the Timer1 oscillator to the main oscillator for RC, RCIO, EC and ECIO modes.
When the device executes a SLEEP instruction, the on-chip clocks and oscillator are turned off and the device is held at the beginning of an instruction cycle (Q1 state). With the oscillator off, the OSC1 and OSC2 signals will stop oscillating. Since all the transistor switching currents have been removed, Sleep mode achieves the lowest current consumption of the device (only leakage currents). Enabling any on-chip feature that will operate during Sleep will increase the current consumed during Sleep when engineer try to recovering content from MCU.