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Crack ST32F324J6 Microcontroller Locked Bit

Crack ST32F324J6 Microcontroller Locked Bit can help to disable the protection over MCU ST32F324J6 and then recover embedded firmware from st32f324j6 flash memory, copy heximal file to new st32f324j6 for MCU cloning;

Crack ST32F324J6 Microcontroller Locked Bit can help to disable the protection over MCU ST32F324J6 and then recover embedded firmware from st32f324j6 flash memory, copy heximal file to new st32f324j6 for MCU cloning;

8 to 32K dual voltage High Density Flash (HD- Flash) with read-out protection capability. In- Application Programming and In-Circuit Pro- gramming for HD Flash devices.

384 to 1K bytes RAM

HD Flash endurance: 100 cycles, data reten- tion: 20 years at 55°C

Enhanced low voltage supervisor (LVD) for main supply with programmable reset thresh- olds and auxiliary voltage detector (AVD) with interrupt capability when breaking st72f321j9 mcu flash memory;

Clock sources: crystal/ceramic resonator os- cillators, internal RC oscillator, clock security system and bypass for external clock

PLL for 2x frequency multiplication

Four Power Saving Modes: Halt, Active-Halt, Wait and Slow

Nested interrupt controller

10 interrupt vectors plus TRAP and RESET

9/6 external interrupt lines (on 4 vectors)

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