We can Copy Microcontroller PIC16C76 Heximal, please view the Microcontroller PIC16C76 features for your reference:
Any instruction which writes, operates internally as a read followed by a write operation. The BCF and BSF instructions, for example, read the register into the CPU, execute the bit operation and write the result back to the register.
Caution must be used when these instructions are applied to a port with both inputs and outputs defined. For example, a BSF operation on bit5 of PORTB will cause all eight bits of PORTB to be read into the CPU.
Then the BSF operation takes place on bit5 and PORTB is written to the output latches. If another bit of PORTB is used as a bi-directional I/O pin (e.g., bit0) and it is defined as an input at this time, the input signal present on the pin itself would be read into the CPU and rewritten to the data latch of this particular pin, overwriting the previous content.
As long as the pin stays in the input mode, no problem occurs. However, if bit0 is switched to an output, the content of the data latch may now be unknown.
Reading the port register, reads the values of the port pins. Writing to the port register writes the value to the port latch. When using read-modify-write instructions (ex.BCF, BSF, etc.) on a port, the value of the port pins is read, the desired operation is done to this value, and this value is then written to the port latch.
Example 5-4 shows the effect of two sequential read-modify-write instructions on an I/O port. A pin actively outputting a Low or High should not be driven from external devices at the same time in order to change the level on this pin (“wired-or”, “wired-and”). The resulting high output currents may damage the chip.
The actual write to an I/O port happens at the end of an instruction cycle, whereas for reading, the data must be valid at the beginning of the instruction cycle (Figure 5-10). Therefore, care must be exercised if a write followed by a read operation is carried out on the same I/ O port.
The sequence of instructions should be such to allow the pin voltage to stabilize (load dependent) before the next instruction which causes that file to be read into the CPU is executed. Otherwise, the previous state of that pin may be read into the CPU rather than the new state in the process of Copy Microcontroller PIC16C76 Heximal. When in doubt, it is better to separate these instructions with a NOP or another instruction not accessing this I/O port.
It can directly interface to an 8-bit microprocessor data bus. The external microprocessor can read or write the PORTD latch as an 8-bi t latch. Setting bit PSPMODE enables port pin RE0/RD/AN5 to be the RD input, RE1/WR/AN6 to be the WR input and RE2/CS/AN7 to be the CS (chip select) input to Crack MCU. For this functionality, the corresponding data direction bits of the TRISE register (TRISE<2:0>) must be configured as inputs (set) and the A/D port configuration bits PCFG2:PCFG0 (ADCON1<2:0>) must be set, which will configure pins RE2:RE0 as digital I/O.