Break DSP MCU TMS320F243FN Flash Memory
Break DSP MCU TMS320F243FN Flash Memory locked bit protection is a process to crack microcontroller tms320f243fn tamper resistance system, and then readout embedded binary from microprocessor tms320f243fn flash memory;

PLL oscillator input pin. Crystal input to PLL/clock source input to PLL. XTAL1/CLKIN is tied to one side of a reference crystal.
Crystal output. PLL oscillator output pin. XTAL2 is tied to one side of a reference crystal. This pin goes in the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is active low.
Clock output. This pin outputs either the CPU clock (CLKOUT) or the watchdog clock (WDCLK). The selection is made by the CLKSRC bit (bit 14) of the System Control and Status Register (SCSR). This pin can be used as a GPIO if not used as a clock output pin.

разбить DSP MCU TMS320F243FN блокировка битовой защиты флэш-памяти – это процесс взлома системы защиты от несанкционированного доступа микроконтроллера TMS320F243FN, а затем считывания встроенного двоичного файла с флэш-памяти микропроцессора TMS320F243fn;
JTAG test clock with internal pullup, JTAG test data input (TDI) with internal pullup. TDI is clocked into the selected register (instruction or data) on a rising edge of TCK in the process of dsp microprocessor tms320f240pga flash memory decryption. JTAG scan out, test data output (TDO). The contents of the selected register (instruction or data) is shifted out of TDO on the falling edge of TCK.
JTAG test-mode select (TMS) with internal pullup. This serial control input is clocked into the TAP controller on the rising edge of TCK.