Attack STMicro ST72F321AR IC Chip Secured Memory
Attack STMicro ST72F321AR IC Chip Secured Memory and extract embedded MCU heximal file from flash memory, the firmware can be rewrite to new microprocessor st72f321ar for cloning;

the MCU is capable of ad- dressing 64K bytes of memories and I/O registers.
The available memory locations consist of 128 bytes of register locations, up to 384 bytes of RAM and up to 8 Kbytes of user program memory. The RAM space includes up to 256 bytes for the stack from 0100h to 01FFh by reversing microcontroller st72f32aj1 microcontroller flash memory binary.
The highest address bytes contain the user reset and interrupt vectors.
IMPORTANT: Memory locations marked as “Re- served” must never be accessed. Accessing a re- served area can have unpredictable effects on the devices.

The contents of the I/O port DR registers are readable only in output configuration. In input configuration, the values of the I/O pins are returned instead of the DR register contents after breaking st72f321aj mcu flash memory fuse bit.
The bits associated with unavailable pins must always keep their reset value.