Attack Locked Microprocessor PIC18F2620T Tamper Resistance System
Attack Locked Microprocessor PIC18F2620T Tamper Resistance System and retrieve embedded firmware from microcontroller pic18f2620t flash and eeprom memory, copy encrypted content to new pic18f2620t mcu;

The OSCCON register (Register 2-2) controls several aspects of the system clock’s operation, both in full- power operation and in power managed modes.
The System Clock Select bits, SCS1:SCS0, select the clock source that is used when the device is operating in power managed modes. The available clock sources are the primary clock (defined in Configuration Register 1H) to restore flash memory content from pic18f1220t microprocessor, the secondary clock (Timer1 oscillator) and the internal oscillator block.
The clock selection has no effect until a SLEEP instruction is executed and the device enters a power managed mode of operation. The SCS bits are cleared on all forms of Reset.
The Internal Oscillator Select bits, IRCF2:IRCF0, select the frequency output of the internal oscillator block that is used to drive the system clock. The choices are the INTRC source, the INTOSC source (8 MHz), or one of the six frequencies derived from the INTOSC posts- caler (125 kHz to 4 MHz).

ataque bloqueado microprocesador PIC18F2620T sistema de resistencia a la manipulación y recuperar firmware incrustado del microcontrolador pic18f2620t flash y memoria eeprom, copiar contenido cifrado al nuevo MCU pic18f2620t
If the internal oscillator block is supplying the system clock, changing the states of these bits will have an immediate change on the inter- nal oscillator’s output by decrypting pic18f1230 microcontroller flash memory firmware. The OSTS, IOFS and T1RUN bits indicate which clock source is currently providing the system clock.
The OSTS indicates that the Oscillator Start-up Timer has timed out and the primary clock is providing the system clock in Primary Clock modes. The IOFS bit indicates