Attack DSP Controller TMS320F28053 Flash Memory
Attack DSP Controller TMS320F28053 Flash Memory can help to read embedded jed file from CPLD chip and copy jed file to new CPLD chip for cloning;
Below Figure shows how the various interrupt sources are multiplexed within the 280x devices.
Eight PIE block interrupts are grouped into one CPU interrupt. In total, 12 CPU interrupt groups, with 8 interrupts per group equals 96 possible interrupts.
On the 280x, 43 of these are used by peripherals as shown in Table 3-12. The TRAP #VectorNumber instruction transfers program control to the interrupt service routine corresponding to the vector specified.
TRAP #0 attempts to transfer program control to the address pointed to by the reset vector. The PIE vector table does not, however, include a reset vector. Therefore, TRAP #0 should not be used when the PIE is enabled. Doing so will result in undefined behavior.
When the PIE is enabled, TRAP #1 through TRAP #12 will transfer program control to the interrupt service routine corresponding to the first vector within the PIE group which will help to easy the attacking process of tms320f28031 microprocessor security system. For example: TRAP #1 fetches the vector from INT1.1, TRAP #2 fetches the vector from INT2.1 and so forth.