Attack ATmega IC Chip Microcontroller AVR Program
Attack ATmega IC Chip Microcontroller AVR and readout program and data from flash and eeprom memory, decrypt the firmware in the format of binary or heximal to un-encrypted status;

Attack ATmega IC Chip Microcontroller AVR and readout program and data from flash and eeprom memory, decrypt the firmware in the format of binary or heximal to un-encrypted status;
A very similar approach can be used for decapsulating chips from the rear side. The only obstacle is the copper plate under the chip die which reacts slowly with the fuming nitric acid. That could create problems if the automatic decapsulator is used because the surrounding plastic will be etched away before this copper plate and the chip leads are very likely to be damaged (Figure below).
However, access to the rear side of the die can be established without using chemical etching. The chip package can be milled down to the copper plate which is then removed mechanically. The residues of the glue used to attach the die to the plate can be removed with solvents or by scraping it off with a wooden toothpick stick.